OP - Département Syndic
Klanten ondervraagd
Klanten ondervraagd
+32 2 669 49 49
Rue Vilain XIIII-straat Bruxelles T
BE 0841 885 269
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OP: Syndic
The daily management of the common areas of a building requires skill and know-how. Meetings have to be set up, repairs carried out and costs properly allocated. The OP group handles all of these tasks. It has a proven expertise in the field of property management: apartments, offices and shops.
The clients of the group can rely on OP’s extensive experience in construction and repair management (suppliers, craftsmen, etc.) or, at an earlier stage, in sourcing the best financing solutions for these projects. The OP also puts its expertise at the disposal of co-owners of new buildings.
The group is committed to a policy of full transparency towards the co-owners, who can access accounting and other information, related to the management of their property, on the OP website.
11 Klanten ondervraagd
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